Yarden Avdi-Tzedek

Home and Family
Lives in Kfar Yona, Israel
Personal Stats
Age 23
Height: 1.55 cm
Competition weight 49.6 kg
Off season weight 53 kg
WNBF Qualifying Show
WNBF Israel
2019 WNBF Israel Championships
Pro Card Holder
WNBF Pro Bikini
Physical Education Teaching
Personal Trainer

What got you interested in weight training?
My boyfriend introduced me to weight training while i was 18 and i fell in love with it.
What sparked your interested in competing?
The fact that not everyone can do it , to bring yourself to the edge and sacrifice quite a bit in order to rise and compete.
I wanted to prove to myself and to my environment that I can achieve whatever I wanted.
Who was the most influential person/group that made you want to weight train?
There are quite a lot of fitness models that i follow and get lots of inspiration. But no doubt my first inspiration was Michelle Levin.
Where do you currently exercise?
In a gym that is 5 minutes walk from my apartment.
How long have you been competing?
I have been in competitions for two years.
How many competitions have you entered?
I have competed 3 times.
What was your best placing and where?
First place in Bikini Class / Fitness and first place in Overall in the first competition of WNBF in my country.
What is your most memorable moment competing so far?
The moments before i enter the stage. I’m standing behind the curtains and see the crowd and the judges waiting for the show.
What is your most surprising moment competing so far?
I am sometimes surprised by my determination not to give up and to achieve the results I expected from myself.
What was the best workout advice you received?
To not give too much attention to the pain and to sometimes enjoy it.
What advice about fitness, health, etc. would you like to share with our readers?
My advice is to listen to the body, he sometimes knows to tell us amazing things about ourselves. In my last preparation I made a diet called “Ketogenic Nutrition” without a doubt nutrition that helped me bring myself to my goals and even beyond. And as we are different people we also have different needs, try to figure out what works best for you, but you have to work hard to find out.
What do you like most about the WNBF?
That the organization gives an equal opportunity for the competitors who choose not to use drugs.
Are you involved in any other parts of the sport? Training people? (Judging? Promoting?, etc.)
I train personally and accompany my trainees to a healthy lifestyle. In addition, I also offer posing classes for Bikini competitors.
What are your 2019 competition goals? Long range goals?
To improve my overall physique and to prepare for a WNBF competition in the US on november 2019.
What does being a WNBF pro mean to you?
That I represent something I fought to prove to everyone around me. Those who always made sure to tell me that I would not get to this place, and if so I would have to take prohibited drugs. So for me it symbolizes personal victory.
• Exercise?
Hip Trust!
• Cardio?
Treadmill with gradient
• Body Part (Yours)?
• “Diet” Food?
• Non-Diet Food?
• Non-Workout Activity/Activities?
Trips abroad
• Sport? (Other than Bodybuilding, Figure, Bikini, Physique, or Fitness)- Ski, Volleyball