Heather Drake

About Heather
Home and Family
Lives in Columbus, OH and has two sons, ages 17 and 9.
Personal Stats
Age 37
Competition weight 132 lbs.
Off season weight 132 lbs.
WNBF Qualifying Show
Natural Buckeye Classic
Open Figure, 2012

Describe your path to the pro ranks.
My path to the pro ranks has been such a blessing. I won my pro card at my first show, but I honestly had no idea what I was doing or what I was headed to do.
I learned very quickly that it takes a certain amount of obsession/dedication in order to be successful because in this sport you don’t have seasons off. You have seasons to learn but you still can’t slack off. You still have to eat right to “grow.” The science to me is fascinating. I absolutely ran into my fair share of troubles when it came to dieting, especially during my first year as I pro because I wasn’t eating enough of the right foods to support my gym habits and I was over trained. Over time it caught up. It affected me mentally, metabolically, hormonally and at some point my energy was so depleted that my performance suffered because of it.
This sport has taught me a lot, especially about myself and how to nurture my body right. I have had to absorb a lot of things and I learned the hard way but this was the lifestyle that I wanted to embrace so I studied EVERYTHING. Training smart is important to me. It has certainly opened my eyes to knowing the difference between being healthy vs. fit. I have had great success, but I never want to feel complacent nor do I want to feel like it’s causing me stress, so I limit myself to only 1 or 2 shows per year. And it is a balance that works!!
Which WNBF pro shows have you competed in?
- 2014 World Championship
- 2013 Tournament of Champions
- 2013 Pro American
- 2013 World Championships
What does being a WNBF pro mean to you?
Being a WNBF Pro has been life changing, to put it simply. It has meant taking risks, scaring myself, and pushing myself past the breaking point to see where I stand up against when it comes to discipline and perseverance and patience, because that’s what this sport is about.
Having a pro “title” means nothing unless you carry a “try harder ethos” and continue to build on your strengths. You have to be humble and recognize that you may not always be top rank. It’s more than physicality. Your mind has to be equally as strong. More importantly being a WNBF Pro has given me grand purpose and drive like no other.
Are you involved in any other aspects of natural bodybuilding?
The extent of my involvement in this sport has been about competing more than anything else. I have been given an opportunity to coach some local females on how to pose for figure, and that has been through referrals from my gym at Beyond Limits. I love to see other women aspiring to achieve their fitness dreams especially when it comes to competing so helping them means a lot to me. I do want to explore with test judging and Columbus needs another good INBF/WNBF show, so promoting would be of interest sometime in the future if I partnered with the right people.
Which WNBF amateur shows are you likely to attend?
I can only speak for myself, but doing shows in the fall are most competitive and likely to see the bulk of attendees. It makes me happy to see more shows being added to the list that take place out west, but traveling to the east is much easier and accommodative for me.
Will you be competing in the 2015 Worlds in Atlantic City?
I do not plan to compete at the World’s in Atlantic City this year. My oldest will be graduating from high school this year so I’ve had to map out my priorities a little differently.
What are your competitive goals?
My competitive goals involve continuing to better myself in every way, period. I don’t want to find myself complacent or overwhelmed by this sport, so it’s so important for me to be able to find a healthy balance that I can instill in myself and in my kids in a very healthy way. Fitness is my life! It’s in my veins. I love the solitude it brings me and I embody the challenges that come with it because lord knows I am not perfect.