Welcome WNBF Bulgaria

Please warmly welcome WNBF Bulgaria President Stan Sabev to the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation. WNBF Bulgaria was founded on May 5, 2022 in Ruse, Bulgaria.
A message from the President;
I’ve been weight training and bodybuilding for 28 years. The beginning of my training began in 1994 in Bulgaria. Since then I’ve been passionate and a driven student of Natural Bodybuilding. When you want to grow your body wideout the use of PED’s you have to be curious, consistent, and most importantly patient. These are life qualities that I believe are necessary to have a very successful life. I’m honored to be allowed to represent the WNBF in Bulgaria.
For the last 13 years I’ve been helping people with their training, nutrition, and life habits and I enjoy sharing everything I have learned and know about the bodybuilding sport. I am proudly NASM certified and employed by Precision Nutrition as a Personal Trainer and Exercise Nutrition Coach PN1, and PN2.
I want to thank Mr. Bob Bell and Mrs.Tina Smith for giving us, the Bulgarians, the opportunity to join WNBF and to have our representatives in National and World level competitions.
Please visit my natural bodybuilding and training social media channels below, and my event page HERE