Welcome Singapore

Welcome Singapore
We are very excited to welcome WNBF Singapore as the newest Southeast Asian country to join us and our mission in establishing Truly Natural bodybuilding and physique competition throughout the world. WNBF Singapore was established on October 12th, 2018 under the leadership of Melvyn Yeo who resides in Singapore.
A message from the President;

I have always been motivated and inspired by physique/aesthetic athletes in how much work and effort it takes for them to be at the competitive level, and felt that its unfair for them to have competitors who are pharmaceutically enhanced competing on the same stage with them. This has been the driving force for me to create a federation affiliated with the WNBF to ensure that everyone is tested for banned substances. Creating an awareness that there is a natural federation in Singapore for natural competitors and coaches to showcase all of their hard work will be a primary focus for us for the next several years. I believe the mandatory polygraph and urinalysis testing requirements by the WNBF will be received well by athletes in my country. I am proud to partner with what I believe to be the best global natural bodybuilding organization in the world. This past year I held two seminars to begin the natural bodybuilding movement here in Singapore and they were both highly successful. I was proud to bring WNBF Pro Alberto Nunez, and Eric Helms and Leanna Carr of 3DMJ as my special guests and leaders in natural bodybuilding, powerlifting, and coaching.

I wanted to thank Bob and Tina for being such genuine leaders and so thorough in answering all of my questions in establishing WNBF Singapore. Being part of a bigger international movement with the WNBF expanding internationally, and networking with like minded individuals and sharing the experiences while making friends is very important to me.
Singapore are you ready to compete naturally? Yes, and I look forward to meeting you all in 2019! #wnbfSingapore
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