Terri Reeves


INBF Natural Central Valley

City of Residence: Fresno, California

Event Location(s)/City State(s): Fresno, California

Family: Single mother of Titus the Welsh Terrier

Occupations: Professional Personal Trainer

Health is wealth, and your body is a temple; That is the code that I live by. I grew up in Jersey City, NJ on the track as a sprinter, and on the basketball court. However, it was not until in my 30’s after I relocated to California did I really take exercise and fitness as an important part of my physical health and mental well being. I left a career of 19 years at Merrill Lynch to become a certified fitness professional and later a professional natural bodybuilder and show promoter; which have been the most rewarding decisions of my life. I am passionate about helping others to stay fit at any age (drug-free) and enjoy the journey as you realize your purpose in life.

I see my work as an opportunity to inspire others to become a better version of themselves.

Bodybuilding achievements:

Natural bodybuilding since 1997
Earned Natural Pro card in 1998
Competed in 30+Pro shows, 15+ shows in top 3
Known best for symmetry and legs

Please visit my Natural Central Valley Championships event page HERE