Ruth Hushour

About Ruth
Home and Family
Lives in Conway, NH with her spouse.
Personal Stats
Age 56
Competition weight 107 lbs.
Off season weight 115 lbs.
WNBF Qualifying Show
Monster Mash 2013 – Masters Bodybuilding
Granite State Open 2014 – Open Bodybuilding

Describe your path to the pro ranks.
After a hiatus of twenty something years, I felt the urge to get back into the competitive sport of bodybuilding. With the birth of the natural bodybuilding organizations, I was able to compete with other natural athletes on an even playing field. I am fortunate to have done as well as I have, considering my age (and stature). I am constantly trying to improve to keep up with the ever increasing pro-women rising up through the ranks.
Which WNBF pro shows have you competed in?
- 2015 Pro Masters American
- 2014 Pro Masters American
- 2014 Pro World Championships
What does being a WNBF pro mean to you?
It is an honor to be considered a pro athlete in the WNBF. It means that I am held to a higher standard of competition, and should carry myself with dignity and respect whenever competing in a WNBF pro show.
Which WNBF amateur shows are you likely to attend?
Monster Mash 2015 and WNBF Pro Worlds 2015
Will you be competing in the 2015 Worlds in Atlantic City?
What are your competitive goals?
“Forever a bridesmaid, and never a bride.”…I’d like to place first one day.