Lucrezia Sonzini

Home and Family
Current City: Milan, Italy
Hometown: Milan, Italy
Education: Carlo Tenca High School, Milan
Occupation/Company: Office worker & fitness student
Personal Stats
Age 26
Height 161 cm
Competition weight 51 kg
Off season weight 64 kg
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
World Titles Held
2018 WNBF Overall World Figure Champion
Los Angeles, California

What got you interested in weight training?
I’ve always been interested in sports, from dance to horse riding… to bodybuilding! My passion for weights was born when I was 16 and for the first time I went into a gym.
What sparked your interests in competing?
When I hired my first trainer I started to thinking about stepping on stage because I love challenges and I am self motivated.
Who was the most influential person/group that made you want to weight train?
I didn’t really have someone who inspired me, but I always saw photos of big, strong, and shredded drug using athletes on the internet which motivated me to stay natural and clean, and to pursue the WNBF to compete naturally.
Where do you currently exercise?
I don’t train in one fitness facility. I like to be a member of many gyms. I currently train at Fit Star, McFit, Virgin, and Fit Active. So no matter what city I am in on a given day I can workout.
How long have you been competing?
This is my second year of competition.
How many competitions have you entered?
I have participated in only 5 competitions and 3 of them were as a WNBF Pro.

What is your best placing and where?
My best placing was when I won the 2018 Overall WNBF Pro Figure Title in Los Angeles, California
What is your most memorable moment competing so far?
My most memorable moment is when I was on stage and american spectators shouted out my number and I felt so excited and grateful
What is your most surprising moment competing thus far?
My most surprised moment is when I won the overall in LA because I didn’t expected it and I didn’t truly understand what just happened to me!
What is the best advice workout advice you have received?
The best advice was about glutes and hamstrings workouts because to feel them you have to contract and activate these muscles successfully or you sacrifice developing glutes and hamstring muscles.
What advice about fitness, health, etc. would you like to share with our readers?
Drink lots of water! You cannot neglect your water intake during training sessions. Do HIIT training to help burn calories and exercise your heart.
What do you like most about the WNBF?
I love the USA so competing in WNBF allows me to travel from east side to west side and I can be an athlete and a tourist at the same time
Are you involved in any other parts of the sport? Training people, judging, promoting? etc.
In general I am a promoter of natural bodybuilding. I‘m going to be a judge of my italian federation (WNBF Italy) and I am also part of the Natural Peaking Team. I’m studying to become a personal trainer because my dream is being an owner of a gym in Italy with the same impostation of American gyms
What are your 2019 competition goals? Long range goals?
For the moment, my coach and I decided to dedicate 2019 to build more muscle and to improve my metabolism to be in my best shape in 2020.
Being a WNBF Pro athlete is something that you can’t explain! It means you compete with the best bodies from all around the world, and every year the level is higher and higher. This pushes you to always learn something new and to achieve new goals for yourself. Staying in WNBF means a lot for me because you accept a way of life without drugs, and I think we are a community of the future which teaches our youth that you can be the best even without steroids!
Exercise: Deadlifts, squat and bech press (yes, I do love power lifting)
Cardio: I like walking in the park or on treadmill but I prefer the escalator and rower
Body part: Back and legs
Diet food: Sweet potatoes
Non diet food: Everything with chocolate
Non workout activities : Shopping on line… for my workouts, for the stage and do the shopping in a BIO market (I’m not a normal person, I KNOW!)
Any hobbies, special interests, or other information you would like to share with our readers?
Before I started bodybuilding and spent all the time in the gym and my sport was horse riding and I loved it so much!
Thank You for reading my athlete profile and for supporting the WNBF and natural bodybuilding worldwide.