Lisa Lum

Home and Family
From: Honolulu, Hawaii
Lives in: Tualatin, Oregon
Marital Status: Single Forever
Personal Stats
Age: 55
Height: 5’3”
Competition weight: 112-115
Off-season weight: 120-122
WNBF Qualifying Show
2016 Washington State Natural Championships

WNBF categories you compete in: Women’s Bodybuilding
WNBF Pro Card holder in: Women’s Bodybuilding
Occupation: Retired special education teacher and current substitute teacher
What got you interested in weight training?
I suffered from chronic migraines until I discovered that exercising diminished the severity, and eventually prevented them from happening altogether. I found that regular exercise was my proactive way of preventing migraines.

What sparked your interest in competing?
When I started working out in 1995, a trainer was entering her first competition and I went to watch. I was hooked and couldn’t wait to compete.
Who was the most influential person that made me want to weight train?
After beginning a training program to keep away the migraines, and watching my friend compete, I then began to follow Rachel McLish and Carla Dunlap in the magazines.
It’s funny to look back at the physiques then and see how they have changed over the years. That’s why the WNBF is so appealing to me, as a female body builder, it keeps the aesthetics along with the muscularity.
Where do you currently exercise?
I belong to 24 Hr Fitness, so I go to whatever gym is convenient.
How long have you been competing?
22 years total, only the last 3 in the WNBF.
How many competitions have you entered?
Total of 27, and the last 7 in the INBF/WNBF
What was your best placing and where?
It’s a toss up between 1st at Worlds 2016 in LA and 1st at Worlds 2018 in LA. Both are pretty darn spectacular!
What was your most memorable moment competing so far?
Both Worlds in LA. Completely unbelievable and unexpected!!
What was your most surprising moment competing so far?
Worlds in LA. In 2016, it was all so new to me and the two time champion Irhassette McClean was there. This year (2018), there was no weight class and I felt so puny plus Candice Hatch was there! I never expect to win, I just go out and do the best I can and I’m good if I know I tried my best. Winning is a bonus!
What was the best workout advice you received?
What you do in the gym is only part of the process. Nutrition, sleep, and recovery are also key in reaching fitness goals. Don’t let your hard work in the gym go to waste.
What advice about fitness, health, etc. would you like to share with the readers?
Perspective…..see your fitness journey as a lifelong process and not just a competition. Continue to set goals for a healthy lifestyle and be consistent and patient along the way.
12. What do you like most about the WNBF? I like and respect the WNBF for having strict, consistent standards and expectations for all of their athletes. It ensures all of us that we are competing on a fair and level playing field. The people are pretty awesome too!

Are you involved in any other parts of the sport?
I’ve recently been judging, and try to be involved as much as I can. Hopefully somewhere down the road I’ll be able to maybe promote a show.
What are your 2019 goals? Long range?
Right now I have no plans to compete in 2019. I’m not saying I’m retiring, but I’m not saying I’m not. I’d like to focus on judging this next year.
What does being a WNBF Pro mean to you?
As a professional, I hope that I can be an example of what you can achieve as a natural athlete with hard wrk and consistency. As a female body builder, I’m hoping to diminish some of the fears and stereotypes that have been associated with female bodybuilding. It is about having muscles, but not necessarily, “HUGE”. Also, at age 55, you’re never too old to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.
Exercise – pull ups
Cardio – tep mill, Zumba fitness, Strong by Zumba, hip hop (I’m terrible, but it’s fun)
Body part – back
Diet food – steak
Non-diet food – ice cream and anything made with sugar and butter
Non workout activities – I LOVE to bake and share it with friends
Sport other than body uilding – I’m not currently in any organized sport, but I played professional full contact women’s football for 7 years and raced in several countries paddling in the dragon boat for Team USA in my 40s and 50s.
College and Pro teams – I don’t follow any teams, but I do enjoy watching highlights on ESPN.
Other hobbies – Other than baking, I also like wood work which is a challenging hobby.