Lior Kogan

Home and Family
From: Hertzlia, Israel
Lives in: Tel Aviv, Israel
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Owner Greenbody Premium Gyms
Personal Stats
Age: 31
Height: 181 meters
Competition Weight: 75 kg
Off-Season Weight: 90 kg
Notable Achievement
2018 WNBF Israel
1st Place Classic Physique – Class 2

What got you interested in weight training?
I got into weight training when I was 10 years old. I was a big fan of super hero TV shows and my parents got me a set of 2 small weights. Since then they kept on buying me more and more equipment to enhance my physique. When I turned 14 I joined my high school gym.
What got you interested in competing?
When I heard there is a natural bodybuilding competition in Israel I didn’t think twice! I knew this was meant for me. I was always a fan of natural bodybuilding and wanted to prove that it can be done and look as impressive as steroid users. Thank You Or Dan for bringing the WNBF to Israel!!
Was there an influential person/group that encouraged you to weight train or compete?
I was always influenced by Arnold Schwarzenegger. As a kid a grew up watching his movies which is one of the reasons I got into bodybuilding. Also I am a big fan of “classic” aesthetic physiques that are lately getting a lot of attention such as Ryan Terry, Jeff Seid, Chris Elkins, etc
Where do you currently train?
I train in the 3 Greenbody Gyms that I own
How long have you been competing?
The last competition in Nov in Israel was my first competition.
How many competitions have you entered? 1
What was your best placing and where?
WNBF Israel – 1st Place Men’s Classic Physique 1.80+, Tel Aviv, Israel

What is your most memorable moment competing so far?
My Solo routine is the most memorable moment. Those 30 seconds summarize 10 years of hard work, and it’s quite a moment to remember.
What is your most surprising moment competing so far?
I was surprised at the high level achieved by natural bodybuilders. This gave me the proof that we are here for a good cause.
What was the best workout advice you received?
Progressive loading – it’s not about how much you lift rather the total volume. Once I understood that my training became better, and with less injuries or stress.
What advice about fitness, health, etc. would you like to share with our readers?
I am a big fan of MyfitnessPal, I think it’s def the best way to prepare for a contest. You can eat many different things and still see great results as long as you keep track of calories and macros. This is def a game changer for me.

What do you like most about the WNBF?
I find that the contestants are very high quality people. I met many new great friends which I am in constant touch with since the WNBF Israel event in Tel Aviv. I also formed a Whatsapp group with the top contestants and we update each other regularly.
What are your 2018/2019 competition goals? Long range goals?
I would like to compete next Nov 2019 in New York in the Bodybuilding category. And long range to compete in international WNBF contests.
What does being an INBF amateur or future WNBF Pro competitor mean to you?
It means that I present a new Era of fitness and bodybuilding. An era which natural is more beautiful and purer. That its not about freaky size, but about well balanced proportions. Not about cheating your way up, but working hard on your way up. I know I will be a lifetime natural.
• Exercise? Shoulder side raise
• Cardio? Tennis
• Body Part (Yours)? Biceps
• “Diet” Food? Chicken breast
• Non-Diet Food? Peanut butter
• Non-Workout Activity(ies)? Motor boats
• Sport? (Other than Bodybuilding, Figure, Bikini, Physique, or Fitness) tennis, boulder climbing
• College Sports Team?
• Pro Sports Team?
Please list any INBF competitions you have competed in as well as your placings.
2018 WNBF Israel first place men’s classic physique class 2