Jeff Alberts

About Jeff
Home and Family
Lives in Fremont, California with his wife and children.
Personal Stats
Age A Young 44
Competition weight 170 lbs
Off season weight 180 lbs
WNBF Qualifying Show
2009 INBF Washington

Describe your path to the pros.
A long one lol…after numerous attempts I finally made it on my 38th Birthday winning a Natural show in California and then two months later I won the INBF Washington.
I think the biggest struggle was really all the pressure I put on myself to win. For years it was all about the wins…the status…the pro card and it really created a stressful environment for me to be in. Once I let go of the chase for pro cards leading into the 2009 season…that’s when I truly started to enjoy the journey…the process of the sport.
The enjoyment for me is in the process itself more so than the final outcome. Who would of thought that by letting go of all that stress would it lead to my best physique up to that point and also two pro cards…sprinkles on the sundae.
So far as a pro the biggest struggle for me is taking my body to an even higher standard of conditioning…it means more sacrifice, more discipline, more suffering at times lol, but in the end it’s well worth it. Challenging yourself and going out of your comfort zone builds character and it’s a great feeling knowing if you’re persistent you can attain your best.
Which WNBF pro shows have you competed in?
2014 WNBF Worlds
What does being a pro WNBF mean to you?
I take it really serious. I know I have young impressionable athletes who may be looking up to me. I feel and want to make it my duty to ensure I’m not only representing myself well, but also the sport itself. The young athletes are the future and the ones who will carry the torch for the WNBF and the sport, so leading with a good example is pivotal. The sport has given me so much in my life and I’m extremely grateful, so it’s my goal to pass what this sport has given to me on to others.
Are you involved in any other aspects of natural bodybuilding/fitness?
I’m a coach with 3DMuscleJourney for the past 5 years and we work with many natural bodybuilders and strength athletes.
Which shows are you WNBF amateurs likely to attend?
WNBF California Muscle Mayhem
WNBF Battle of the Bay
Will you be competing in the 2015 Worlds in Atlantic City?
Unfortunately, I will not be competing this year. My plans are to compete at the Pro USA in 2016 in Sacramento and potentially go on to the 2016 WNBF Pro Worlds.
What are your competitive goals?
In the past it was all about the wins and even a desire to someday win a class title at the Worlds…but as time has gone on the competitiveness in me has lost its importance. What truly drives me is simply the love of the process…I love taking myself to new levels and that in itself is rewarding enough. Getting on stage for me is simply the celebration of all the hard work…where I land in the placings…really doesn’t define my success. My success…is in my power and I’m the only one who can define that.